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Frequently Asked Questions

What is LAFCo? 

LAFCo is an acronym for Local Agency Formation Commission.  We were established by the State Legislature of California to discourage urban sprawl and to encourage orderly and efficient provision of service.  LAFCo is a regulatory agency with countywide jurisdiction.  We are responsible for coordinating logical and timely changes in local governmental agencies, conducting special studies that review ways to reorganize, simplify and streamline governmental services. LAFCo is responsible for reviewing and considering proposed jurisdictional boundary changes including annexations and detachment of territory to and from cities and special districts.  LAFCo also considers incorporations of new cities, formations of new special districts as well as consolidations, dissolutions, mergers, reorganizations and establishment of subsidiary districts.

Is LAFCo a County or City Department? 

Neither. LAFCos are state-mandated independent agencies and are not a county or city department.  Powers of LAFCo are directly derived from state law.

How is LAFCo funded? 

LAFCo is funded through a mix of fees and a yearly assessment. Fees are paid by the applicant (See Fee Schedule Here). The yearly assessment is divided amongst the County of Kern, cities and special districts at one third each.

How are LAFCo decisions appealed? 

LAFCos decisions are quasi-judicial and can only be overturned by the court. However, there is a process for reconsideration of a Commission decision.

Can a property owner apply to change jurisdictions? 

The typical applicant to LAFCo is a city or a special district.  A property owner who wants to annex to or detach from and city of special district should apply directly to that agency.  The city or district may charge an application fee and have requirements specific to that agency.  There is also a process for application by petition.  For more information on this process please contact our office. 661-716-1076

Is the public notified about LAFCo actions? 

State law requires that LAFCo notify affected agencies and the public regarding most boundary change proposals.  After receiving information from the County Assessor, County Auditor and various agencies, notification is made to affected agencies, landowners and registered voters both within and adjacent to the proposed area certain government agencies withing the county are also notified.    The agenda is made available on the LAFCo website in compliance with the Brown Act.

What if I don't want to annex or detach from a City or Special District? 

Property owners and registered voters in a proposed annexation area have the right to protest. See the attached sample protest letters.

Reg voter Sample Protest Letter.pdfLandowner Sample Protest Letter.pdf


Is LAFCo required to comply with CEQA? 

Yes, LAFCo must comply with California’s environmental laws.  LAFCo normally serves as the “responsible” agency in reviewing the environmental work performed for a project.

What is a Sphere of Influence? 

A Sphere of Influence is a planning tool adopted by LAFCo to designate the possible future boundary and service area for a city or special district.  Each city and special district are required to have an established Sphere of Influence which is reviewed every five years.

What is a Municipal Services Review? 

A Municipal Services Review or MSR is a comprehensive study used to better inform LAFCo, local agencies and the public about a city’s or district's ability to provide services within their boundaries and sphere of influence. An MSR also studies opportunities for governmental efficiencies.  State law requires, in most cases, that an MSR be performed prior to an amendment to an agency’s sphere of influence.

When and where does the Commission meet? 

Unless otherwise noted, the Commission meets the third Wednesday of each month at 5:15pm in the Kern Council of Governments building at 1401 19th Street, #300, Bakersfield, CA 93301

2024 LAFCo Commission Meet.pdf


I can't find the answer to my question, how can I contact Kern LAFCo Staff? 

The LAFCo office is located at 5300 Lennox Ave., Suite 303, Bakersfield, CA 93309. Staff can be contacted at or 661-716-1076